
Advertising in high-profile publications is a proven method to generate public interest in your book. However, the individual costs involved can be prohibitive. Our advertising services help you save on costs—you can pool resources with fellow Partridge Singapore authors and advertise as a group in prestigious publications such as the New York Times Sunday Book Review.


Advertise on the Australian Book Review (ABR), and become part of the longest-running and most respected literary magazine in Australia. ABR’s equally prestigious website draws a worldwide audience in search of acclaimed Australian literature. Whether in print or online, the ABR is the perfect place for your book to be showcased.

Choose from any of our ABR print ad packages so your book can make an immediate impact in Australia's literary scene.

Reader's Digest Singapore Single Slot

Reader's Digest is a definitive brand that provides relevant and expertly curated content across all platforms in a simple and easy-to-read format. With a focus on health/wellness, finance, food, family and travel for consumers 40 years old and above, it is considered one of the world’s most popular general interest magazines.

The RD Singapore English Edition offers a balance of domestic and international stories, specific to the interests and preferences of Asian readers in the language they are most comfortable reading. It informs, entertains, and inspires people of various ages and cultures, reaching out to an estimated 88,671 readers in Singapore.

Advertising your book in the RD Singapore English Edition gives you the potential to attract new markets and readerships in Singapore. Pique the interest of booklovers with Reader’s Digest Singapore. Want to know more about the benefits of our Reader’s Digest Print Ad Packages? View this infographic.

Reader's Digest Singapore Single Slot

Reader's Digest is a definitive brand that provides relevant and expertly curated content across all platforms in a simple and easy-to-read format. With a focus on health/wellness, finance, food, family and travel for consumers 40 years old and above, it is considered one of the world’s most popular general interest magazines.

The RD Singapore English Edition offers a balance of domestic and international stories, specific to the interests and preferences of Asian readers in the language they are most comfortable reading. It informs, entertains, and inspires people of various ages and cultures, reaching out to an estimated 88,671 readers in Singapore.

Advertising your book in the RD Singapore English Edition gives you the potential to attract new markets and readerships in Singapore. Pique the interest of booklovers with Reader’s Digest Singapore. Want to know more about the benefits of our Reader’s Digest Print Ad Packages? View this infographic.

PW Starter Plus

Let Partridge Singapore help you put your book in front of publishers, booksellers, librarians, and other influential people in the publishing industry.

PW Advance Plus

Take your book promotions one step further, and target major publishers worldwide with your Publishers Weekly Print and Online Bundles. These book-marketing bundles offer you the chance to promote your book through Publishers Weekly, the pre-eminent periodical that influential members of the book and publishing industry subscribe to.

The New York Times Marketing

With a readership of around 4.6 million* and a 1.1 million circulation*, the New York Times Sunday Book Review is considered one of America’s elite publications. Put your book in front of this impressive audience of bibliophiles with the spending power, to add your title to their very own bestsellers list.