What Happens in a Google Minute?

3.7 million search queries
20.6 million ad impressions
600+ new users
700 people calling directly from an ad

How do you use these numbers to your advantage? The keyword here is, well, keyword. If you want to promote your book through Google, you should make sure to optimise your campaign by using the right keywords. This way, you can get your book ad in front of the readers you want to reach.

How do you know which keywords to use?

Here are a few pointers:

  • Be specific. Be descriptive.
    Avoid using generic words. The more specific, the better.
    If you published a guide on writing a fiction story, use words that specifically describes your book.
    Use Writing Guide instead of just guide; Fiction Writing instead of fiction.

  • Use long-tail keywords.
    As much as possible, use phrases instead of just one or two words.
    If your book is about self-publishing, then using how to self-publish your book or a step-by-step guide to self-publishing will have higher chances of making it to the first few pages of search engine results compared to using just self-publishing.

  • Consider your target readers.
    Think of what your readers are most likely to type in their search boxes.
    Say you're publishing a personal finance book. If you're targeting beginners, they might type personal finance guide or how to make my own budget. Those more seasoned might type investment tips.

Now that you know the right keywords to use, let us help you put those into action with our Google Search Marketing service.

Here's how it works:

1. Your book ad is created.

We will write a compelling text ad about your book, optimised for Google.

2. You set the keywords.

You will identify search keywords that you want associated with your book.

3. You choose the website (your ad will lead to).

Helpful tip: make sure you bring them to where they can purchase your book.

Once your ad is live, you will be just a search away from the right readers. Whenever potential readers type in keywords that match those you have set in Step 2, your ad will appear at the top fold of the search results.


At the end of your campaign, we will give you a detailed report on each keyword used, so you would know which ones worked best. You can then use this insight in your future book marketing efforts.

Ready to start your book marketing campaign on Google? Choose the package that works best for you:

50 clicks

Set up to 3 keywords

100 clicks

Set up to 5 keywords

250 clicks

Set up to 10 keywords

500 clicks

Set up to 15 keywords

1000 clicks

Set up to 20 keywords




Contact your Marketing Consultant Today

To speak with a consultant, call us on 000 800 919 0634 (Call Free) or +91 000 80091 90634 (Outside India) to sign up or to learn more about this service.