The Guru and the English Rose

A Story of Authenticity, Courage and Miracles

by Sally Forrest



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/9/2021

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 416
ISBN : 9781543766608
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 416
ISBN : 9781543766592
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 416
ISBN : 9781543766585

About the Book

“Sally is an angel, full of love, wisdom and clarity. She has a special magic. This book will certainly change your life forever.”
— Princess Harshad Purna Devi, Morbi, India

The Guru and the English Rose is a remarkable story of how one woman went on a quest to create a life of purpose and passion. Along the journey she was tested, challenged, disappointed, surprised, betrayed, loved, empowered, elevated and enlightened.

Her life took her from the west to the east, from the known to the unknown, from the modern to the ancient and from this journey emerged a life of authenticity, courage and miracles.

This book will;
• Fill you with wonder and give you hope.
• Show you the way to a new life.
• Inspire you to follow your heart and realize your dreams.
• Encourage and empower you to take the first step.
• Remove the fears of change.
• Guide you to discover the real, unique you.
• Lay out the blueprint to happiness and success.
• Reveal the way to create a loving relationship with your soulmate.

Full of wonderful wisdom lessons, Sally’s story is inspirational, impactful and contains all the elements of a Hollywood blockbuster. It will guide you to live an authentic life, create your own miracles and find true happiness.

This is a book you will not be able to put down.

About the Author

SALLY FORREST is a pharmacist, an MBA and a business leader with extensive international experience. She left her life in England, moved to Asia and courageously followed her heart. She opened an orphanage, authored best-selling books, mastered holistic disciplines and became a successful entrepreneur. A global TEDx speaker, she coaches clients around the world using timeless wisdom and proven techniques.